Friday, February 27, 2009

New Ways To Make Money Online

1. Sell photos on stock photography sites. If people regularly oooo and aaaaah over your Flickr pics, maybe you’re destined for photographic greatness or maybe just for a few extra dollars. It’s easier than ever to get your photos out in front of the public, which of course means a tremendous amount of competition, but also means it might be an convenient way for you to build up a secondary income stream. Where can you upload and market your photos? Try Fotolia, Dreamstime, Shutterstock, and Big Stock Photo.

2. Blog for pay. Despite the explosion of blogs, it’s hard to find good writers who can turn around a solidly-written post on an interesting topic quickly. GigaOM is always looking for bloggers with great content ideas and solid writing skills. How do you get noticed? Comment and link to blogging network sites. Write blog posts that are polished and not overly personal (although showing some personality is a plus).

3. Or start your own blog network. If you like the business side of things–selling advertising, hiring and managing employees, attracting investors–and have the stomach to go up against the likes of Weblogs, Inc., GigaOmniMedia, b5media, maybe you should make an entire business out of blogs. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’ll get a lot of time to write yourself though.

4. Provide service and support for open source software. Just because the software is free doesn’t mean you can’t make money on it–just ask Red Hat, a well-known distributor of Linux that sports a market cap of more than four billion dollars. As a solo web worker, you might not want to jump in and compete with big companies offering Linux support, but how about offering support for web content management systems like WordPress or Drupal? After getting comfortable with your own installation, you can pretty easily jump into helping other people set them up and configure them.

5. Online life coaching. Who has time to go meet a personal coach at an office? And don’t the new generation of web workers need to be met by their coaches in the same way that they work: via email, IM, and VoIP? You could, of course, go through some life coaching certification program, but on the web, reputation is more important than credentials. I bet Tony Robbins isn’t certified as a life coach–and no one can argue with his success. For an example of someone building up their profile and business online as a coach, check out Pamela Slim of Ganas Consulting and the Escape from Cubicle Nation blog.

6. Virtually assist other web workers. Freelancers and small businesses desperately need help running their businesses, but they’re not about to hire a secretary to come sit in the family room and answer phone calls. As a virtual assistant, you might do anything from making travel reservations to handling expense reimbursements to paying bills to arranging for a dog sitter. And you do it all from your own home office, interacting with your clients online and by phone. You can make $20 and up an hour doing this sort of work, depending on your expertise.

7. Build services atop Amazon Web Services. Elastic computing on AWS is so cool… and so incredibly primitive right now. Did you know that you can’t even count on your virtual hard drive on EC2 to store your data permanently? That’s why people are making money right now by offering services on top of AWS. Make it easier for people to use Amazon’s scalability web infrastructure like Enomaly has with elasticlive, a scalable web hosting platform built on AWS.

8. Write reviews for pay or perks. If you blog for any length of time on a particular topic–parenting, mobile phones, or PCs, for example–you will likely be approached to do book or product reviews. You can get free stuff this way, but are you selling your soul? Is there any such thing as a free laptop? These are decisions you’ll have to make for yourself, because no one agrees upon what ethical rules apply to bloggers. Even less do people agree on services like PayPerPost that pay you to write reviews on your blog. Check out disclosure rules closely and see whether such a gig would meet your own personal standards or not.

9. Become a virtual gold farmer. A half million Chinese now earn income by acquiring and selling World of Warcraft gold to gamers in other countries. If you’re not a young person living in China, this probably isn’t a viable option for you. But what’s intriguing about it is the opportunity to make real money working in a virtual economy. People are making real-world money in Second Life too.


Ways to Make Money

More ways to make money page 1
More ways to make money page 2

Offline Ways To Promote Your Web Site
Make Money Selling Information Products

The 4 most popular ways to make
without spending money

Make money selling your own product

Yes, you can do this without spending money. This is the path most small business take - and probably the most profitable one.

It is also the most difficult one of the 4 ways to make money without money. It's difficult and time-consuming. If you're forced to do it without a budget, it will be even more time-consuming. But you're determined to build a profitable, long-term Internet business, right? Hard work is not a problem. Right?

The most difficult part of this method is the product development.

What can you make without spending a penny? Something that people will still buy from you?

The answer lies in information products. We all have marketable skills. You're an expert in something.

Do you know a lot about cars?
Write a mini-book on basic engine maintenance.

Know a lot about kids?
Write a book called "101 Ways To Keep 2-year olds entertained" - you've already got your first buyer right here!

This is really doable. There are people who'd pay to know what you know.

Get nitty-gritty advice on creating your own product. Get the very short, very powerful e-book called "Ways To Make Money On The Net". No hype. Just dead-accurate advice. This document will save you two years of trial and error! Guaranteed.

Make money selling someone else's product

When you sign up as an affiliate / reseller for someone else's product, you refer people to the "supplier site" and you get a cut each time someone who you referred makes a purchase. It really is that simple. Probably the most doable of the ways to make money without money.

But you will only make money at affiliate programs if you can find a good supplier. One that's honest about tracking of sales and one that will pay on time.

I highly recommend the Logo Design Affiliate Program. It's great if you target small business owners who might be in the market for a business logo or other graphic design work.

You can't believe everything you read about affiliate programs, but they can really make money. A significant portion of my own Internet income is from affiliate programs. There are a couple of things you have to get right though. That book I mentioned above also looks at some of the best ways to make money with affiliate programs.

Make money selling advertising space

The idea behind it is to offer free information from your web site to pull in high volumes of traffic. Once you've achieved that, advertisers would pay you to display their advertisements on your site. This is probably one of the oldest and most hyped ways to make money without money.

It worked really well until the end of 2000. It's how Yahoo became big. With the dotcom bust in 2000, even Yahoo was forced to look to alternative revenue streams. Advertisers began to realize that, in most cases, web advertising is just not cost effective.

Nowadays most people don't click ads right?


Wrong! There's life in this old machine yet...

Contextual advertising (like Google's AdSense program) offers a real alternative to traditional advertising - and many web site owners are rediscovering this tried and tested way of making money from their web sites.

Make money doing what you already do

This is not for you if you're looking to build a serious small business on the Net. It's the easiest of the ways to make money without money, but because it's easy, it doesn't pay much.

Very little in fact.

It mostly involves getting paid to surf the Internet and getting paid to take surveys. It's like stuffing envelopes for money. If that blows your hair back, type "getting paid to do surveys" into the search box at Google and hit "Enter". Take your pick. Don't expect to get rich though.

How serious are you?

Ok, you've read this far.

Time I spilled the beans...

Making money online is not easy. If it was, you'd be out there making it, not over here reading about it.

I worked my butt off for two years before I made my first sale online. Two years of trial and error, late nights and too much coffee.

Shave two years off your learning curve. Get "Ways To Make Money On The Net" right now. At only 7 bucks with a full money-back guarantee to back your investment, it's a no-brainer.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Horoscope for February 2009

You have a chance to excel yourself, but only by following a different path or applying some kind of wacky logic. Get to grips with what is new, untraditional and yet has a link with past wisdom. Since you are so brilliant at leading the way you can attract quite a following as the weeks progress. Venus enters your sign early on and gives you an added 'wow!' factor. After the 19th you need to reflect a little, and enjoy.
Love: Around the 19th, the stars will favor your relationship. You will clarify recent altercations and you'll be more willing towards your loved one.
Work: Expect interesting opportunities and innovative proposals for your profession but the Stars recommend you curb your enthusiasm and reflect.
Health: Pay attention to hepatic functions ; watch what you eat so your liver doesn't suffer. Avoid alcohol and various condiments.

You have been thinking long and hard about your career plans, and you're inclined to go for something that uses your creative skills. Jupiter in this part of your chart shows opportunities and open doors, and brushing up your talents through some serious learning won't go amiss. Saturn continues to have a steadying influence and draws you back to the idea that persistence is key. Avoid flash in the pan schemes.
Love: Hardened singletons should calm down a little. If you continue flitting from flower to flower, you will miss an important opportunity.
Work: Your work place will be enhanced by your new ideas, verve and dynamism. Use your diplomacy to solve a complex situation.
Health: You run the risk of being dominated by what you eat. Use the last days of the month for treating yourself to beauty treatments and a new haircut.

You are motivated by the desire for adventure and travel, Gemini, and you're planning your next trip and directing your hard earned cash to take you away. It's a lucky time for you and early on a chance encounter is more than a simple coincidence. Mercury, your ruler, enters Aquarius on the 15th and you love the slightly surreal and fast moving energy. You lose patience with those stuck in a rut but your gentler side comes out in the third week.
Love: You won't be patient enough to face some relationship problems and you risk misunderstandings with your partner. Try to reflect more.
Work: Expect unforeseen spending and be careful with investments. Be careful when making changes as this isn't the right moment to do so.
Health: Watch out for possible pain in your cervical area. Cut down on fats, rich foods and spirits. How about following a vegetarian diet?

You are motivated by the desire for adventure and travel, Gemini, and you're planning your next trip and directing your hard earned cash to take you away. It's a lucky time for you and early on a chance encounter is more than a simple coincidence. Mercury, your ruler, enters Aquarius on the 15th and you love the slightly surreal and fast moving energy. You lose patience with those stuck in a rut but your gentler side comes out in the third week.
Love: You won't be patient enough to face some relationship problems and you risk misunderstandings with your partner. Try to reflect more.
Work: Expect unforeseen spending and be careful with investments. Be careful when making changes as this isn't the right moment to do so.
Health: Watch out for possible pain in your cervical area. Cut down on fats, rich foods and spirits. How about following a vegetarian diet?

This turns out to be a turning point kind of a month for you, Leo. Since so much planetary energy is playing out around your relationship sector, it's hard to avoid head on clashes or clinches, depending on your current status. But you also find out more about yourself and who you are through your interactions with others and it's time to be your authentic self. Forget compromising to the point where you lose yourself and speak up when you need to. How empowering!.
Love: Your relationship won't seem as solid as you'd thought it was. Communication will be the only way to improve a flat relationship.
Work: Some business deals will go extremely well, better than you expected and an attractive offer will make you more sociable than usual and lead to great prestige.
Health: Remember that excess is wrong, in one sense or another. This could be the right time to go on a diet if you need to lose some weight.

You love the idea of making progressing and seeing tangible results for your efforts. This month brings plenty of evidence of this, especially during the first week. Rewards for hard work can come in an unexpected form. Your ability to organize and deal with clutter is evident, but you may be in danger of overstepping the mark with a friend. Later this month, you create the perfect state of harmony between you and another. Moderation is achievable.
Love: You'll have the chance to meet your ideal partner and you will have to make a choice by evaluating deeply his or her soul and your compatibility.
Work: You'll be tempted by crazy spending, pretending this is for work, but at the end of the month your bank account will make you regret this.
Health: The Stars promise you heaps of energy. To keep your skin looking young, take a spoonful of cod liver oil before eating.

It's not until the 3rd of this month, that you get a feeling of a new situation developing. It's subtle but suits you fine and centres around a special relationship. Although February brings ample opportunity to indulge in fun and socializing, you have a serious mission taking precedence too. In fact, you cannot quite believe the things that you are expected to do as the month progresses, for a special cause close to your heart. Your finances take a turn for the better.
Love: For the whole month, you'll be able to take up the many opportunities which will turn up.
Work: This is a particularly positive period work wise, especially if you need to travel a lot for work. You'll be successful in any initiative you take.
Health: You'll be in brilliant form until the 15th. After this, you could experience a little edginess and tension, which could cause small, temporary indisposition.

Be alert to a job offer around the Full Moon on the 9th, especially if you have been looking for a new position for a while. Links from the past area key to your future direction and family stuff is both demanding and rewarding too. Hence this is a month of juggling and dealing with demands on your time and resources. Finding a compromise and negotiating can improve a situation fantastically and lay the foundation for the future
Love: You'll feel weighed down by all your chores and duties and Love won't be a high priority. This will lead to tension in your relationship.
Work: You'll have initiative, will act confidently at the right time and could be blessed by Lady Luck.
Health: Be prudent when going on trips or doing sport; eat healthily. Expect possible migraines, 'flu or colds.

There is a sense of anticipation and you are alert and on the ball. This month brings out your desire to link and connect with a wide variety of people, and you enjoy the excitement and challenges to your usual way of thinking. Seeking out knowledge and information leads you down a path to research and discovery. Relationship matters are improving, helped along by the Leo Full Moon at the start of the month.
Love: From the 26th, your imagination and fascination will be at their best; nobody will be able to say no to anything you ask of them.
Work: You'll have an optimistic view on Life and this will make you the center of attention in work and far more self confident.
Health: Stop chewing over the same things all the time. Calm down and otherwise you could get a headache. Get your teeth checked too.

There comes a point when you have a need to move on, preferably upwards and now that Jupiter is in your money sector you can be driven by a need for greater financial security. Of course, expenditure is up this time with usual household bills but you seek ways of making valuable savings and increase your income. During February, you discover a talent which sets you apart. It takes a certain situation to bring this out. Take note of a friends' best intention.
Love: A pleasant and affectionate atmosphere can be expected and you can look forward to romantic evenings if you are in a relationship and new acquaintances if you are single.

Work: A positive period for those looking for a job. Towards the end of the month, astral influences will be very positive and chances to find a long-lasting job will increase.
Health: You won't be in great shape - expect migraines and gastritis. Also look after your skin.

This is your birthday time of year and think about the New Year with you in mind. You are more energized and alert to what is going on around you and can see much more clearly where you would like to be headed. Plans that have been on the back burner for a while are beginning to take shape at last and this month's Full Moon in Leo on the 9th marks an important turning point. Both Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius this month so take action with your ideas.
Love: If you still haven't found your soul mate, you will be able to evoke others' interest in you with great ease. This is thanks to your cultural talents and intense expression.
Work: You won't be so uncertain about things and will bring about major radical changes in your daily life. This will reduce stress.
Health: You won't be on top form but don't over dramatize a slight lack of energy. You could suffer from vertigo.

Venus has been in Pisces for a while and is set to move on in the first week. Take what you have learnt about love, your cash and what it takes to make the world a better place and spread it around a bit. In fact, this month brings plenty of imaginative ideas and there is a sense of anticipation and the feeling that something fabulous is on its way to you. Take note of your inner thoughts as these are guiding you to where you need to be. Make a note in your diary for the 25th; it's special!.
Love: Things will get clearer; you'll make yourself understood more easily and will put a profound, serious stamp on your relationship.
Work: If you are self-employed, you'll be lucky from the 2nd to the 13th, during which period you'll bring innovation to your company or increase the number of staff.
Health: You'll be over excited and too anxious. Even if you think you can go without it, don't neglect your sleep. Too much physical and mental activity before bedtime is harmful.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Make Your Business & More

AscentBusiness is about how to ascent your business and make money with smart work. This also gives you tips to make easy money online. It has a resource of free ebooks, mobile ringtones and songs. You can also get the latest news and cricket updates here. More to be updated soon